Track Guide | Zandvoort

- 13 corners
- Length – 2.676 miles / 4.307 km
- Location – Zandvoort, North-Holland, Netherlands
- Overtaking corners: T1 – T2 – T5 – T7 – T8 – T9 – T10
- Braking zone between the two signboards on the left.
- Hard on the brakes, trail brake into the corner.

- Early apex, use banking to keep speed through the corner.
- Focus on corner exit, get on the throttle as early as possible.

- Use all the available track on the left.
- If you touch the sand, release the throttle and get back into the racing line.

- Braking zone just before the end of the curb on the left.
- Be careful with mid-corner understeer.

- It is very common to have mid-corner understeer, be careful.
- Try not to touch the curb on the right.
- If you go wide at corner exit, lift the throttle and be careful with the oncoming cars.

- Get ready for the next braking zone.
- Not too many references for this braking zone. The end of the ACC ad on the right can be used as a braking reference.
- Entry and mid-corner are bumpy.

- T3 can be taken as a double apex corner to maximize exit speed.

- Use all the available track on the right to achieve as much speed as possible for the next section.

T4 – T5
- Full throttle section.
- Be super smooth with your inputs.

- Braking zone along with the ambulance/marshals on the left.
- Trail brake into the corner.
- Be careful with the crest/bump before turning into the corner.

- Get on the throttle as early as possible using the banking to keep the car stable through the corner.

- At the exit of T6, use the rumble strip in hot laps, but try to avoid it in a race, it is very risky.

- If you go wider than the rumble strip, release the throttle and carefully rejoin the track.
- The braking zone is just after the overhead board and where the white line on the left changes direction.

- Use half of the curb at the apex of the corner. If you cut too much curb, the car will get unstable.
- Be careful with exit understeer.

- Braking zone before the board on the right.
- Late apex to maximize exit speed.
- Trail brake into the corner.

- Be smooth with throttle application, try to avoid triggering the TC as much as possible.
- Do not hit the curb, it can make the car unstable.

- Switch to the right as soon as possible to get ready for the next braking zone.
- Be careful with throttle oversteer while switching to the right.

- Braking zone along with the ambulance on the right.
- Be patient with throttle application.
- Corner entry is bumpy.
- Late apex entry.

- Use all the available track at the exit of T9.
- Be careful with the curb on the right, it is bumpy.

- The braking zone is before the start of the rumble strip on the left.
- Trail brake into the corner.

- Avoid going over the curb, you can damage your tires.
- Slight late apex can help the entry of T11.

- Tap the brakes to help the car rotate into the corner.
- Early apex and mid-corner throttle.
- Use the banking to help the car carry more speed through the corner.

- Brake zone along the orange mark on the fence on the right.
- Trail brake into the corner.

- You can use the curb at the apex.
- Try to get as early as possible on the throttle.

- Full throttle corner.
- Focus on a good entry to get a good exit.

- Full throttle, stay on the right.
- Use the “long” straight to adjust tire pressures and fuel if you are planning to pit.

Assetto Corsa Competizione | Zandvoort Track Guide