Track Guide | Zolder

- 11 corners
- Length 4.010km (2.492mi)
- Location: Heusden-Zolder, Belgium
- Overtaking Corners: T1 – T4 – T6 -T9 – T11
- Get as close as possible to the outside wall to maximize your entry into T1.
- Braking reference: Last flag before the overhead board.

- Focus on early throttle application and keeping the rear stable.
- Progressive throttle application can help with power oversteer (If you have any).

- Short braking zone.
- On some cars, one downshift is enough to take the corner.
- Focus on your turn-in point and exit.

- Be careful with the curb on the right, it can unsettle the car.
- Don’t go too wide on the exit, the curb is bumpy.

- Flat-out corner.
- Do not touch the grass on the corner exit.
- Coming out of the corner, focus on your braking point for T4.

- Fast corner.
- Some cars are more stable downshifting once just before the turn in.
- Focus on corner exit, don’t go too wide.
- Avoid the sand. (It is better to be cautious than ambitious.)

- Hard braking zone.
- With most of the cars, 3 downshifts are enough to take the chicane.
- Use the 100 board and the light pole as braking references.

- Focus on corner exit.
- Can be taken in two ways:
- Turn in early and go over the curbs (can make the car very unstable and it´s very risky)
- Turn in late and avoid going over the HUGE curbs.
- Experiment with different racing lines as some cars react different over the curbs.

- Flat-out corner.
- The change of elevation and a small bump in the middle of the corner can trigger the Traction control.

T7 (3 turns)
- Hard braking zone.
- Trail braking can help to get a good entry angle into the first corner of the chicane.

- Fast direction changes (3 turns)
- Track limits are very sensitive, be careful.
- Do not go wide on the second corner of the chicane.
- Focus on corner exit for the 2nd corner to get a good entry for the 3rd corner.

- Treat T7 as one unit.
- All three corners flow together, meaning that setting yourself up for a good entry will result in an excellent exit.
- Focus on the 3rd turn exit.

- Flat-out corner.
- Be careful with track limits and understeer on corner exit.

- Hard braking zone.
- Trail brake as much as you can.

- Be careful with the inside curb, it’s very bumpy.
- Avoid going too wide or touching the grass, you can get a puncture.
- Focus on corner exit.

- Flat-out “chicane”.
- Do not go over the grass, you can get a puncture.

- Hard braking zone.
- Use the 100 board and light pole as braking references.

- Be careful with the curb, you can cut it, but it is bumpy.
- Do not go wide on the first corner exit so you can get a good entry for the next corner.

If you want to know even more details and tricks about this track to get better and more consistent laps, check out our Coaching Services.